Training Topics


  1. Woking with Github
  2. Code a website(Your profile) from start to end
  3. Host the website and share with friends

What do we do

  1. Working with git

  2. Prepare your resume in word/text format

  3. Build your profile template in HTML

  4. Hosting the site


    All you have to do is to watch the video and recreate the assignment with your content and thoughts

    Link to the repo used in the video git repo link

    A video that covers git end-to-end:

    Some of the useful git command:

    git clone - This command is used for downloading the latest version of a remote project and copying it to the selected location on the local machine. It looks like this:

    git clone <repository url> -b <branch name>

    git fetch - This Git command will get all the updates from the remote repository, including new branches.

    git checkout - You can use the checkout  command to switch the branch that you are currently working on.

    git checkout <branch name>

    If you want to create a new branch and switch to it, you can do it by using this command:

    git checkout -b <branch name>

    git init - This is the command you need to use if you want to start a new empty repository

    git init <repository name>

    git commit - This one is probably the most used Git command. After changes are done locally, you can save them by “committing” them. A commit is like local a snapshot of the current state of the branch, to which you can always come back. To create a new commit, type this command in Git Bash:

    #stage the files that you want commit 
    git add .
    #locally commit the satged files with above code
    git commit -m "<commit message>"

    git push - Git push will push the locally committed changes to the remote branch. If the branch is already remotely tracked, simply use it like this (with no parameters):

    git push
    #If the branch is not yet tracked, and only resides on the local machine, 
    #you need to run the command like this:
    git push --set-upstream <remote branch> <branch name>

    Congratulations, you now know how to work with Git and deploy a site on the Internet. Now let’s learn JavaScript.

    Lesson 2: CSS

    ←Go back to CSS

    Learn JavaScript→

    Lesson 4: JavaScript