- Create a git repo and clone it to local folder as described in lesson 03 video
- Create a folder for each of the exercise, add you code and push to the same repo
- So we can deploy the repo at once in the
We have deployed a repo below is the preview
- Clicking on each item should open each app
- You goal also should be the more or less the same shown below
- Link to the app
Exercise 01
- create a folder in the git repo ‘exercise_01’
- Create HTML page called ‘index.html’. create a app.js file and import in HTML
- You need to create a colour picket control in you HTML
- Upon selecting the colour apply the colour to the entire HTML page
- Link to the live app
Snippet to colour picker control:
<div id="input-container">
<label for="backgroundcolor">Select Background Color:</label>
<input class="change-cursor" type="color" id="backgroundcolor" name="backgroundcolor"
Implement the changeBackgroundColor Method to change the html page background.
The solution is here in this link, strictly for reference link